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  • 前置詞当て、ウルトラクイズ







私としては、for とすべきところを of に、to とすべきところを for にしてしまいがちなクセに気がつきました。

目標に向かって直進するイメージを持つ to を、もっと多用してもいいですね。




What is your reason for being late today.

She couldn’t find a job because there was no demand for Russian  teachers.

My parents sent me a check for $100.

There is a need for more nurses in the hospital.

My demands for increase in pay were rejected.

The sun rises in the east. (日本人ならfromと言うでしょう)

I always keep a picture of my family in my wallet.

The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.

Nobody knew what the cause of the fire was.

The answer to your question is “sure No problem”

I loved her reaction to the surprise party.

Where is the key to the door?

The flood caused a lot of damage to the building.

I just received an invitation to his birthday party.

His attitude toward  his job is very positive.

I believe there is a connection between man and nature.

Do you see any difference between my sister and I?





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